First, i have to apologize for not updating this site in a while. Ever since i bought the house, i've been soooo busy cleaning it out, and starting the demolition process that i havent had time to sit down and write about what has been going on. I also havent really had much of an internet connection, so uploading photos has been "out of the question"...
i started demolition of the horrible 1950's pink and black tile in the front entryway. as soon as there is money in the budget for replacing the tile it will be all new beautiful white subway tile in a brick laid pattern.

so far i have only taken one side of the tiled foyer down.. it took all day, and my hands were blistered from chipping tile and over and inch thick of concrete off of the masonry wall... i'm on to other projects right now, like ripping out the wiring and sweeping and bagging all of the crumbled plaster from the kitchen's recent demolition overhaul...
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