Monday, May 18, 2009

more crap about the house

i realized i never posted any pictures of the upstairs of the house... so i figured i should probably do that.. scroll down to [older posts] to see more of the house.

this is the upstairs hallway.. it will be a lot less cramped when that tub isn't leaning up against the bedroom door..
 one of the original doors... it's in pretty bad shape... so it will probably be replaced. it goes to the smaller bedroom (my future room)
this is my new bedroom... it needs some serious work....

yeah... that ceiling is a pretty scary sight. It's got to be ripped down and replaced, which is actually pretty good because it gives me access to the attic and the wiring. (always the optimist)

i warned you!!! its pretty bad. but hey... its a clean slate !! hahah.
anyway, here is a photo of the front bedroom. this will be kristen's room for year or so, and then ill probably move into it and use the smaller room for an office or a drafting area.

the floors are random width pine planks, but there's no telling what's under that plywood...
this is the back bedroom, its too small for habitation due to the fact that the bathroom was carved out of it, so in the future this is just going to become the whole bathroom with some wall closet space..

i think the previous tenant is a "disposaphobic" (that's the fear of throwing anything away)
here is the existing bath. mind you, i didnt pick that wall color!!!

the bathroom has no sink. it never had a sink. they brush their teeth in the kitchen. which is Totally unacceptable to me! Im not going down to the kitchen in the winter to brush my teeth!!
it will be a lot nicer to have a large spacious bathroom. something i dont recall ever having! 

well. hope you like them... that is if anyone ever reads this stuff.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


of some tiny houses...

nice use of local materials:

the spite house:

Shanty cabin:

and my favorite:

God.. i want to move back to new england....

Friday, May 8, 2009

house updates...

Earlier in the month i made the decision to walk away from purchasing the house here in south philly. it wasn't that i was really going to walk away from buying it, basically it was a sales ploy to get the sellers to stop trying to nickel and dime me for more money.. the whole thing with buying this house is pretty much a clusterf-ck anyway. it's a divorce sale, so i think the husband and wife are spiting each other over the sale of it. he wants out, she wants to stay (with her new live-in boyfriend in her ex-husband's parents house). On Tuesday, i got a call from Brian (my realtor) saying that the listing agent contacted him to let him know that the sellers were going to court on friday (today) and that he wanted to present a sale to them, so brian and i met yesterday at the gleaners for coffee and to sign a new dated contract. The contract expired today at midnight which we were hoping would be a stimulus to the court appointed judge to sign off on the sale, and after signing the papers i just had to wait another 24 hours for an answer.

Last night i had some pretty crazy dreams... i dreamt that my next door neighbor (who is crazy and who i've had to call the police on before for threatening me) saw me washing my car and came over to talk to me, but he was drunk and was slurring his speech and being overly nice to me (which has never happened before). it made me nervous... like when a drunk guy persistantly hits on you in a bar and you feel trapped... that's the way this guy makes me feel in waking life sometimes... i'll be glad to get the fuck away from him. the other dream i had was a more positive one. i dreamt that i was sitting at the gleaners having coffee and that the phone rang and brain capone called to say it was a done deal.  That's pretty much exactly how it happened today. i was at the gleaners, brian called, "done deal".  now all i have to do is wait until june 17th for the closing.  

Apparently the woman didn't even show up to court today having feigned some trip to the emergency room (which i understand she has done before) to try to stave off the sale of the house... it wasn't a smart idea, because the judge signed over the order instantaneously.  she should have gone and at the very least pleaded her case. nevertheless, i'm not getting my hopes up, because it's not a done deal until the keys are in my hands.

anyway.. here is a photograph of my charming windowsill garden...

Monday, May 4, 2009

only happy when it rains....

the setting is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Year 2009. A young man sits in his tiny third floor bedroom confused about what to type. It's raining, and he feels lonely. What he isn't aware of is that with one wrong click of the keyboard, he is about to enter the twilight zone...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

good news/bad news....

the last week or so has been an emotional roller coaster for me.  there have been ups and downs... but i'm charging through it all like a trooper. since i am a notorious list maker, im going to make a list of things that suck, and things that don't suck right now.

things that suck:

1. the rain
2. the deal with the house fell through
3. i cannot ride my bike for 2 weeks
4. i'm trapped in my house
5. i feel pretty lonely
6. i wish i could better care of amy
7. the neighbors dog barks incessantly.
8. i hate philadelphia

things that don't suck:

1. the rain is watering my garden, and keeping those goddam cats from shitting in my flowerbeds.
2. maybe i'm not supposed to live in the house that i really want to buy
  (more on this later)
3. i am recovering from surgery. long story, but needed to be taken care of.
4. i love my dog.
5. Sarah and Rob came over this morning and suprised me with an amazing piece of art that i've had my eye on since i first saw it! they also gave me a tulip that was raised and cut down with love by a local amish.
6. i haven't had a cigarette for a really long time. like (5 days) and its been 12 days since i quit altogether
7. i had a long chat with oliver on the phone tonight. very much needed that.
8. it's spring.
9. the deal with the house might not have fallen through. long story.
10. i love philadelphia 

(secretly i just want to run off into the woods and build a little house like this one... then i'll tend a little garden. it will be lovely.)